Title: Hampiq Pacha, Time-Space of Healing
Year: 2021
Medium: cast bronze, resin
Dimensions: Turtle with base: 4’7” x 4’4” x 3’8”
Description: Hampiq Pacha, Time-Space of Healing speaks of regeneration and union. In the bronze cast sculpture, the turtle represents Mother Earth, our sacred land. A layer of industrial forms with cityscapes infests the turtle shell like cancer spreading, representing pollution and the exploitation of nature. My project uplifts the importance of unified Indigenous peoples coming together with shared common traditional practices and knowledge for the healing and regeneration process. In my sculpture the essence of life emerges as light emanating from inside. The figures representing Indigenous peoples work together to help the forces of life break through the contamination. This project honors our Nations as resilient, ecological societies, reuniting to protect Mother Earth and healing division produced by colonization. The practice of our ancestral knowledge promotes balance and harmony in this interrelated and interconnected network of life for its regeneration.