Title: Inti Killa
Year: 2016
Medium: Fiberglass and resin
Dimensions: 4’7” x 4’7” x 1’
Description: Pair is an Andean concept that comes from the observation of life. Everything for us has its pair, the day and the night, the cold and the hot, the moon and the sun, entities, forms, functions, opposing circumstances that permanently invite us to complement each other in order to harmonize life. In this sculpture the presence of the stars and the clouds speak of the Hanan Pacha (upper world), where they live in community as we recognize them since 5,000 years of organized culture. There are elements of Chavin culture (3,400 years old) and Tiahuanaco culture (3, 400 years old) mixed with contemporary elements. Also present in this composition of timeless semiotics is an element that transcends the Andean cultural space and reaches East Asia. Japanese-style clouds connect us with cultural experiences that in many ways coincide with our understanding of life.